
Taijutsu 体術

Taijutsu is the art of using the body, specifically in a combative environment. Taijutsu is the basis for all our combative methods with or without weapons. The principles of body movement, whether armed or unarmed, are identical and are taught in conjunction with each other. Distancing, timing, angling, and psychology related to conflict are fully explored, with special attention given to the integration of weapons and unarmed movement. This facilitates the rapid assimilation of combative principles necessary to overcome any potential threat.

Dakentaijutsu 打拳体術 is a broad term used to describe our striking methods. These include learning to strike with the hands and feet in a variety of configurations with precision. Efficient body mechanics combined with the study of kyusho (weak points) produce extremely efficient, quick, and powerful strikes.

Jutaijutsu 柔体術 refers to our grappling methods. Jutaijutsu (also known similarly as jujutsu, yawara, and kogusoku) utilizes natural body mechanics, applied leverage, and the environment coupled with the blending of the opponent’s force and strength to cause the opponent’s downfall. Shime waza are techniques of choking and strangulation that are taught as part of jutaijutsu.

Jissen newaza 実践寝技 is the term describing ground grappling tactics that are purely intended for real warfare, and are taught as an adjunct to our dakentaijutsu and jutaijutsu principles. The ground grappling skills taught at the Jigoku Dojo are not competitive in nature, rather employ strategy and tactics to end the situation as quickly as possible. In real world engagements, being taken to the ground can be extremely dangerous. Therefore, the student learns ground tactics that will enable them to most decisively end the encounter and get back on their feet. Weapons, multiple attackers, and environmental factors are considered and addressed in the training.

Koshijutsu 骨指術 methods refer to attacking specific nerve, muscle, and organ areas. Koppojutsu 骨法術 is the science of utilizing specific methods to manipulate an enemy’s bone structure. Both koshijutsu and koppojutsu are tools that are used in conjuction with dakentaijutsu and jutaijutsu to disable an attacker.

These principles are taught in a variety of settings that a practitioner might encounter. Environmental conditions are addressed, as well as the possibility of one or both combatants being armed. In later stages, multiple opponent engagements are introduced, in addition to third person scenarios in which the student will be acting as a third party in the defense of others.

Combative encounters utilize all the above principles in one integrated manner. In this way, the practitioner can best end a conflict with the least amount of energy and time expended.